Palavras em inglês que começam com W e terminam com W aleatória

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Significado da wow.

  1. Anything exceptionally surprising, unbelievable, outstanding, etc.
    He did? That's a wow!
  1. To amaze or awe.
    He really wowed the audience.
  1. An indication of excitement, surprise, astonishment, or pleasure.
  2. An expression of amazement, awe, or admiration.
    Wow! How do they do that?
  3. Used sarcastically to express disapproval of something.
    Wow... I can't believe you would do such a thing.


(audio) A relatively slow form of flutter (pitch variation) which can affect both gramophone records and tape recorders.

Informações sobre wow.

  • A forma plural de wow é wows.

Quebra de sílabas de wow em sílabas


  • Consiste em 1 syllables e 3 letters.
  • wow é uma palavra monossilábico, uma vez que tem sílaba única.

Sinônimos para wow

Com o significado de belly laugh:

sidesplitter, howler, scream, riot