Palavras em inglês que começam com O e terminam com L aleatória

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Significado da overcall.

  1. A call which occurs after another player has already called
  2. (contract law) An additional contribution required of investors beyond the initial investment, should unforeseen expenses arise.
  3. An extra amount called up beyond the minimum required.
  4. An additional creative product that a producer can require at the producer's option during the contract period.
  5. A positive diagnosis when there is, in fact, nothing wrong.
  1. To call a bet after another player has already called
    Jill bet, Tommy called, and Julie overcalled.
  2. To diagnose a condition that does not, in fact, exist.

Informações sobre overcall.

Quebra de sílabas de overcall em sílabas


  • Consiste em 2 syllables e 8 letters.
  • overcall é uma palavra bisilábico, uma vez que tem duas sílabas.

Sinônimos para overcall

Com o significado de overbid:
