Palavras em inglês que começam com H e terminam com S aleatória

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Significado da halts.

  1. To limp; move with a limping gait.
  2. To stand in doubt whether to proceed, or what to do; hesitate; be uncertain; linger; delay; mammer.
  3. To be lame, faulty, or defective, as in connection with ideas, or in measure, or in versification.
  4. To waver.
  5. To falter.
  1. A cessation, either temporary or permanent.
    The contract negotiations put a halt to operations.
  2. A minor railway station (usually unstaffed) in the United Kingdom.
    The halt itself never achieved much importance, even with workers coming to and from the adjacent works.
  1. To stop marching.
  2. To stop either temporarily or permanently.
  3. To bring to a stop.
  4. To cause to discontinue.
    The contract negotiations halted operations for at least a week.


Lameness; a limp.

Informações sobre halts.

  • A forma singular de halts é: halt.

Quebra de sílabas de halts em sílabas


  • Consiste em 1 syllables e 5 letters.
  • halts é uma palavra monossilábico, uma vez que tem sílaba única.

Sinônimos para halts

Com o significado de :

close, endpoint, terminus, hiatus, moratorium, recess, freeze, immobilize, stop, terminate, brake, desist, stay