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Significato di Zulu.

  1. a member of a South African people traditionally living mainly in KwaZulu-Natal province. The Zulus formed a powerful military empire in southern Africa during the 19th century before being defeated in a series of engagements with Afrikaner and British settlers.
  2. the Bantu language of the Zulus, related to Xhosa and spoken by over 9 million people. It is one of the official languages of South Africa.
  3. a code word representing the letter Z, used in radio communication.


relating to the Zulus or their language.

from the stem of Zulu umZulu (plural amaZulu ).

Informazioni su Zulu.

  • La forma plurale di Zulu è Zulus.

Rottura di sillaba di Zulu in sillabe


  • Consiste di 1 sillabe e 4 lettere.
  • Zulu è una parola monosillabico, poiché ha sillaba singola.

Traduzione di Zulu