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Significato di quietest.

  1. With little or no sound; free of disturbing noise.
    I can't hear the music; it is too quiet.
  2. Having little motion or activity; calm.
    a quiet night at home
  3. Not busy, of low quantity.
    Business was quiet for the season.
  4. Not talking much or not talking loudly; reserved.
    He's a very quiet man usually, but is very chatty after a few beers.
  5. Not showy; undemonstrative.
    a quiet dress
  6. Requiring little or no interaction.
    a quiet install

Informazioni su quietest.

  • È un aggettivo.

Rottura di sillaba di quietest in sillabe


  • Consiste di 2 sillabe e 8 lettere.
  • quietest è una parola bisillabico, poiché ha due sillabe .

Sinonimi per quietest

Con il significato di :

slow, unbusy, modest, plain, simple

Antonimi di quietest

Con il significato di :

loud, sounded, vocal