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Significato di hub.

  1. The central part, usually cylindrical, of a wheel; the nave.
  2. A point where many routes meet and traffic is distributed, dispensed or diverted.
    Hong Kong International Airport is one of the most important air traffic hubs in Asia.
  3. A central facility providing a range of related services, such as a medical hub or an educational hub
  4. A computer networking device connecting several Ethernet ports. See switch.
  5. A stake with a nail in it, used to mark a temporary point.
  6. A male weasel; a buck; a dog; a jack.
  7. The hilt of a weapon.
  8. A rough protuberance or projecting obstruction.
    a hub in the road
  9. An area in a video game from which most or all of the game's levels are accessed.
  10. A goal or mark at which quoits, etc., are thrown.
  11. A hardened, engraved steel punch for impressing a device upon a die, used in coining, etc.
  12. A screw hob.
  13. A block for scotching a wheel.

Informazioni su hub.

  • È un nome.
  • La forma plurale di hub è hubs.

Rottura di sillaba di hub in sillabe


  • Consiste di 1 sillabe e 3 lettere.
  • hub è una parola monosillabico, poiché ha sillaba singola.

Traduzione di hub