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Significato di cramps.

  1. A painful contraction of a muscle which cannot be controlled.
  2. That which confines or contracts; a restraint; a shackle; a hindrance.
  3. A clamp for carpentry or masonry.
  4. A piece of wood having a curve corresponding to that of the upper part of the instep, on which the upper leather of a boot is stretched to give it the requisite shape.
  1. (of a muscle) To contract painfully and uncontrollably.
  2. To affect with cramps or spasms.
  3. To prohibit movement or expression of.
    You're cramping my style.
  4. To restrain to a specific physical position, as if with a cramp.
    You're going to need to cramp the wheels on this hill.
  5. To fasten or hold with, or as if with, a cramp iron.
  6. (by extension) To bind together; to unite.
  7. To form on a cramp.
    to cramp boot legs


A cramping of muscles, especially in the abdomen or uterus.

Informazioni su cramps.

  • La forma singolare di cramps è: cramp.

Rottura di sillaba di cramps in sillabe


  • Consiste di 1 sillabe e 6 lettere.
  • cramps è una parola monosillabico, poiché ha sillaba singola.