Palavras em inglês que começam com T e terminam com X aleatória

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Significado da tinderbox.

  1. A small container containing flint, steel, and tinder (dry, finely-divided fibrous matter), once used to help kindle a fire.
    "Just bring me the old tinderbox that my grandmother forgot the last time she went down there."
  2. (by extension) a place that is so dry and hot that there is danger of fire.
    "Think of your blank journal as a tinderbox, a box for holding combustible materials, ready to catch fire when you sit down to work."
  3. (by extension) a potentially dangerous situation.
    "This act was the "match that ignited the great tinderbox of fuel" that had been building for years between many of the countries in Europe."

Informações sobre tinderbox.

  • É um nome.
  • A forma plural de tinderbox é tinderboxes.

Quebra de sílabas de tinderbox em sílabas


  • Consiste em 3 syllables e 9 letters.
  • tinderbox é uma palavra trisyllabic, uma vez que tem três sílabas.