Palavras em inglês que começam com P e terminam com W aleatória

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Significado da powwow.

  1. A ritual conducted by a Native American shaman.
  2. A Native American shaman.
  3. A Native American council or meeting.
  4. A short, private conference.
  5. A large gathering during which Indigenous songs and dances are showcased for an audience, essentially a recital or concert. Often also doubles as a fundraiser, or can be held in conjunction with a non-indigneous fair or exhibition in order to attract a large crowd, as at the Calgary Stampede and K-Days.
  1. (of Native Americans) To hold a meeting; to gather together in council.
  2. (of Native Americans and by extension other groups, such as the Pennsylvania Dutch) To conduct a ritual in which magic is used.
  3. To hold a private conference.

Informações sobre powwow.

  • A forma plural de powwow é powwows.

Quebra de sílabas de powwow em sílabas


  • Consiste em 2 syllables e 6 letters.
  • powwow é uma palavra bisilábico, uma vez que tem duas sílabas.

Sinônimos para powwow

Com o significado de huddle:
